Thursday, June 11, 2009

Out of the Night by Penny Jordan

Rating: 3
Since I'm done with school, all of my reading is leisure reading now :)

I should probably start off by saying that, yes, this is a Harlequin romance novel. I'm only a little ashamed to admit that. But, I was taking a break from reading The Shack (coming soon) and I found this on my bookshelf. I actually had read it a couple of years ago, probably in high school, before I started my own book collection and was scavenging the corners of my house for something to read.

This is a really easy book to read, and most of it is the lustful musings of main character Emily who is smitten with Matt, the man she had a one night stand with when they were caught in a snowstorm together and now magically he is working with her uncle and living in the same house as her. Annoyingness of the lustful musings of a flighty female main character aside, what I think is interesting about this is how accurate of a portrait it portrays of the female mind. Emily is completely hung up on Matt and analyzes all of his words and actions and misinterprets them about 99% of the time. Like I said, accurate.

1 comment:

Ellen said...

He's probably just not that into her.