Sunday, May 10, 2009

First Meetings in the Enderverse by Orson Scott Card

Read for: Leisure
Rating: 4

This is really a book of four short stories, including the original Ender's Game short story/novella. These stories are prequel-esque to the events happening in the rest of the Enderverse. The stories give a little more background into what was happening on Earth during the first alien invasion, referenced in Ender's Game, particularly the political turmoil. There is one story about Ender's father when he was a boy, one about how his father and mother met, and one about Ender after the end of the Bugger Wars and the emergence of Jane. And of course the original Ender's Game short story.

I like that these stories give more background and for any fan of the Enderverse I think they are good to read, but I wouldn't call it necessary. Actually, the big beef that I have with this book (and the books in the Shadow series) is that Ender is made out to be a victim of manipulation of circumstance, rather than a truly exceptional person. I guess maybe that is what the whole point of the series is--particularly Battle School and how the teachers manipulate the students into becoming war thinkers--but I just can't get away from the loyalty to and hero-worship of Ender and I hate to read anything that makes him seem like anything less.

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