Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Booking Through Thursday: The Beginning

The most recent question on Booking Through Thursday is

The End
You’ve just reached the end of a book . . . what do you do now? Savor and muse over the book? Dive right into the next one? Go take the dog for a walk, the kids to the park, before even thinking about the next book you’re going to read? What?
(Obviously, there can be more than one answer, here–a book with a cliff-hanger is going to engender different reactions than a serene, stand-alone, but you get the idea!)

Well, the answer to that question is now: I will turn to my blog and post my thoughts about the book I just completed! So, even though BTT called this one "The End," I'm calling it "The Beginning," because this is the beginning of my new blog. Welcome!

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